Thursday, October 24, 2013

Letter to Conrad

Dear Conrad,

I am writing this letter to inform you of the plan that Borachio has devised to prevent the marriage of Hero and Claudio.  I am writing this letter because I want to notify you before this plan happens, but I do not know if Borachio or I will see you face to face.  I hope one of us will see you, but if not, once you read this letter come and find me.  So here is the plan: I am going to tell Claudio and Don Pedro that Hero has been unfaithful, and if they want proof, that they are to meet me outside of Hero's room tonight.  Borachio will be set up with Margaret, who will be dressed as Hero, in Hero's chamber and they will sleep with each other.  Earlier today, Borachio made sure that Hero would be out of her room. Tonight I will bring the men outside of her window, and when Claudio and Don Pedro see Margaret and Borachio, the marriage will be canceled!  Whatever you do, do not tell anyone of this plan!  If my plan works, Claudio will feel the pain that I have to deal with everyday.

See you tonight,
Don John

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